Monday, November 26, 2012

A Thanksgiving in Canada, Eh!

View out my plane window
about to land in Regina, Saskatchewan.
This past Thanksgiving week, I was in Canada. Yes, that's right, I spent my Thanksgiving in a foreign country! My brother, sister-in-law, 2 fellow cattle women and I spent the week at the Canadian Western Agribition in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Over the week, I learned a few things about Canadians.
(These are all of course based on meeting a few of the cattlemen and women throughout the barns, not necessarily all Canadians)

#1-They are some of the nicest people you will ever meet! They are always saying hello, good morning, smiling, and cheerful! From going out of their way to help someone carry something, to saving someone a spot on the wash racks, to buying you a drink...they are always looking for ways to make someone else's day a little bit brighter!

#2-Since I mentioned wash racks in the previous number...There is a reason they all wear full rain suits while washing in the morning! If you go in with dry clothes don't expect to walk out the same way! You will, without a shadow of a doubt, walk out with soaking wet clothing! This sometimes would not be an issue, but when it is freezing cold in the barn and you go to leave the wash rack, it tends to be rather cold!

#3-They really do say "Eh!" I just thought this was a bad stereotype, but after hearing it all week, I realized it in fact is not. It's part of their regular vocabulary. Not bashing it, not making fun of it (in fact, I rather enjoyed hearing it).

#4-They have some of the most delicious flavored whiskey I have ever tasted! My favorite was the cherry whiskey used in making a paralyzer (a delicious drink with Kahlua, cherry whiskey{or cherry vodka or regular vodka}, coke, and milk). It was probably my favorite because paralyzer is my favorite drink(known as a Colorado Bulldog in the states). Another one we tried was blackberry whiskey. If you ever get the chance to try that, do it! It's worth it!

and finally...

Congratulations to Dennis Serhienko (Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co.),
Shane Michelson (Michelson Land and Cattle),

McAcoy Charolais and Medonte Charolais
owners of this beautiful cow (with heifer calf at side)
 who was selected not only as the Champion Charolais 
female, but also the Supreme Champion Female! Congrats guys!
#5-Their cattle are very different. The way they do things at a show is different. The style of cattle is just, different...there really isn't a better word to describe it. Different doesn't mean bad by any means! But it was a learning experience to see mostly cow/calf pairs in the Supreme Champion drive when in the states,a pair will rarely win overall. Their frame sizes are typically larger, their fitting style and showmanship style is similar but not the same as in the United States. I enjoyed watching how things were done.

Overall, it was a great week! I enjoyed meeting many new people, experiencing things a little bit differently, and spending the week with my brother and sister-in-law(since I hadn't seen them since the State Fair in September).Hopefully I will get the opportunity to return to Agribition next year! See you all there!
*Champion Charolais Female in the
First Lady Classic
*Reserve Division winner in Charolais Show

*She sells in Denver at the NWSS

*Full sibling to HF MUSTANG SALLY
*Full Sibling Embryos sell in Denver at the NWSS
*Embryos out her full sister Mustang Sally sell
in Denver on the Embryos on Snow Sale

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Are you Registered?

It's that time of year again! No, I am not referring to the weather, although this could also have an impact on your life for the next 6 months...and beyond! No, what I am referring to is ELECTION TIME! All personal preference for politicians and policy aside, it is important for you to GET OUT AND VOTE!

Here's some important dates to remember:

October 16th-last day to register to vote in KANSAS
October 17th-Advanced voting in person begins in KANSAS
October 17th-First day mail-in ballots are sent out in KANSAS
October 22nd-Last day to register to vote in SOUTH DAKOTA
November 2nd-Last day to request ballot by mail in KANSAS
November 5th-Last day to advance vote in KANSAS

Seriously, if you haven't registered to vote yet, you still have time!! Please go out and get registered so you can vote! This is your future and there are some serious issues that are dealt with. Do you really want to have NO say in what happens in your future? This is your chance to speak up, take your chance, and make your choices!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Plans Change, Friendships Develop, Summer's here!

Since moving home from college in May, my plans have changed on almost a daily basis! I've only been to 1 cattle show and didn't even take any of my own cattle; I haven't seen the friends I intended to; My intention to take a summer class fell through; And yet, I have been just as busy as ever! It seems like all big brother and I have been doing is working cows, working cows, and then working cows again. We've been busy prepping cows and putting in embryos, which I love to do, but it's forced me to decide what's important. The cows have been placed #1 on our list this summer, and therefore put our show cattle on the back burner. 
1 of the 2 SD Senior Team Fitting Teams.
Carli, David, Calder, and Jaden

We just got back from the Charolais Junior Nationals this past week and I didn't take any cattle. This was a very strange feeling, but good at the same time. By not taking any of my own, I was able to help my friends with their show cattle. I still competed in the photography contest, the Team Quiz Bowl Competition, and the Team Fitting Competition. In those, I won Reserve Champion Black and White Photo in the Senior Division and Reserve Champion Quiz Bowl Team. I also got to catch up with great friends that I do not see very often because of the huge distance between us!

SD Girls
Reserve Champion Quiz Bowl Team
Cagney, Abbey, Carli, Cally, and Jill
The AIJCA (American International Junior Charolais Association) Junior Nationals Show and Leadership Conference is a great place to build connections within the Charolais breed and beyond that! You meet so many great people and young breeders who are all striving for the same goal, to be successful within the Charolais breed! Whether that success be in the show ring or outside, we all want to be known for having great cattle. What better way to get there than to have friends in other states with the same goals!? Junior Nationals is always a fun time, even when you don't take cattle of your own. Next year will be my last year, and it will be held in Texarkana, USA! Already excited and planning for this long roadtrip!
William, Jenae, Carli, and Cody.
These boys are good friends of mine from Washington.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Do they Listen?!?

Representatives Boomgarden, Brunner, Carson, Conzet, Cronin, Dryden, Gosch, Greenfield, Haggar, Hansen, Hickey, Hoffman, Hunt, Jensen, Kirkeby, Kopp, Lust, Magstadt, Miller, Novstrup, Olson, Perry, Rozum, Schaefer, Scott, Sly, Solum, Steele, Turbivile, Vanneman, Venner, Verchio, White, Wick, Willadsen, & Rausch...along with Senators Brown, Fryslie, Gray, Hansen, Haverly, Heineman, Holien, Johnston, Juhnke, Kraus, Krebs, Lederman, Maher, Nelson, Novstrup, Olson, Peters, Rampelberg, Rave, Rhoden, Tieszen, & Vehle...You make me ashamed to be a South Dakota Citizen!  

Here's a few questions for the above listed legislators:
1-Who do you work for?
2-What is one of the most important things to remember as a legislator?
3-Do you listen to your constituents?

Granted, some of these above legislators have done some phenomenal things for South Dakota. They have worked on and passed some bills that are really going to be beneficial to the State. But the one thing that all of these legislators have in common is their complete lack of respect for their constituents and their outward show of disregard for the future of our South Dakota educators, and therefore the future of out students.

So, let me continue by answering the previous questions for you...don't forget  to check out the LRC website and look up HB 1234, which passed the state house by 1 vote today!

1-You work for the citizens of the state of South Dakota! Don't forget that! These are the same citizens who elected you and can choose to not re-elect you next November. These citizens who voted you into office with trust that you wouldn't let them down! Well guess what, every single one of you has a school within your district and every single one of you has let that school down! You have disappointed the teachers, the faculty, the students within that school district and have left them wondering "What Now?" What is going to happen to my child when the teacher is worried about teaching for tests, not teaching to learn. What is going to happen if my student is the one scoring a lower test score? What happens when the schools can not afford to keep as many teachers around and my child with special needs loses the only person in that building that he or she trusted? What then? What about those teachers who teach classes other than math and science? Are their subjects deemed less important? Not everything in this world revolves around math and science. Think of all the social workers, the psychologists, the artists that this world, and the education systems within it, have created. Are these a science of some sort? Yes, but they are not the "hard sciences" that are taught in our public school systems. They are however just as important.

2-One of the most important things to remember as a legislator, as Senator Angie Buhl stated many times, is to do no harm! What have you done here? Yeah, that's right, a whole lot of harm! It doesn't say "Do no harm except for teachers, students, youth, parents of students, family of students, school administrators..." It it says "Do NO harm!" Weigh your Pros and Cons here. We heard with all the testimony that the Cons far out numbered the Pros in this situation. In the House today, one Representative mentioned that every problem came with a solution. What solution? and What Problem? Nobody has stated a problem with the way the school districts were being run, yet we needed a solution. Don't fix what's not broken! Let the schools recover from the huge loss they met last year from your legislation. Let them breathe before you are all over them about another topic and something else that they have to change within their school system.

3-Do you really listen? I mean honestly listen to what your constituents have to say? Don't lie to yourselves, because we all know the answer! It's clear that you do not! Of the hundreds of e-mails you received, how many of them were supportive of this bill? How many wanted this to change and wanted merit pay for teachers? I bet that's a pretty minute number compared to the number that wanted this bill killed before it even got out of committee. Pay attention to what your constituents have to say! The teachers and administrators that are contacting you are the experts in the field! Swallow your pride and take some advice every once in awhile! Try being humble on for size! It looks good on most people!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Ironically from the title, keeping up-to-date with this blog has been anything but successful! However, within the show cattle world, Hansen Farms Charolais has had some pretty good days.

With the fall semester over, I was able to go home for Christmas Break and focus on Show Cattle, Show Cattle, and some time in the barn...with the Show Cattle! (Which was totally fine with me!) The heifer I am showing this fall/winter and coming spring/summer is a Firewater heifer calf out of JM Ms Buffy. She is bred by Jordan Mack who was from Watertown, SD and killed tragically in a farming accident. A small reminder that life is short, and we have to take advantage of every situation presented to us. As much as we'd like to think so, our dear friends and family might not be there tomorrow to spend the afternoon with, might not be there to grab that lunch next week, and might not be there to watch us walk down the aisle or hold our first child. Nevertheless, this heifer is quite special to my brother and I and we are excited to see how successful we can make her in upcoming shows.

Now, let's backtrack some so I can fill you in on where we stand with this success. Since the last post was written way back before the South Dakota dirt fair, let's start there.

First thing, the Legislative Beef Showmanship Contest took place and I was once again a coach. This year, like my very first year, I was paired with Senator Larry Tidemann. Let's just say, we rocked! Yes, Champion Showman. I had the honor of accepting his award on stage at the concert in the grandstand that night. Very cool! Thanks to all the sponsors of that show that make it possible!

SD State Fair:
~4 class winners, 2 second places, 3 third places
~First place Junior Get of Sire, Second place breeders herd, Second place group of 5 head
~Junior heifer calf Champion
~Junior bull calf Champion
~Senior bull calf Champion
**Reserve Champion Bull (HF PZC BAZINGA 108)
**Champion Bull (TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ET) owned with: Cavender Ranches, Thomas Ranch, Watje Livestock, & Nathan Suttles
**Supreme Champion Bull (TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ET) owned with: Cavender Ranches, Thomas Ranch, Watje Livestock, & Nathan Suttles

North American International Livestock Exposition (Louisville, Kentucky):
**Champion Bull (TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ET) owned with: Cavender Ranches, Thomas Ranch, Watje Livestock, & Nathan Suttles

Miner County Calf Show (Howard)-Champion Charolais heifer (HF JM ANGEL EYES 25Y)
Thanksgiving Blowout (Watertown)-Champion Charolais heifer (HF JM ANGEL EYES 25Y)
Brookings Winter Calf Show-Reserve Champion Charolais heifer (HF JM ANGEL EYES 25Y)
Davidson County Winter Calf Show (Mitchell)-Reserve Champion Charolais heifer (HF JM ANGEL EYES 25Y)

National Western Stock Show (Denver, Colorado):
~2nd place in class with heifer (HF JM ANGEL EYES 25Y)
**Champion Bull (CML DIABLO 2X) owned by numerous ranches and individuals, shown by Thomas Ranch

We are also getting ready for our First Bull Sale on March 27, 2012 in Aberdeen, SD! (Contact myself or BJ for more information.) Look for more details as we get closer to the date.

Hopefully I'll keep this more updated (I know I said that last semester too!). As South Dakota starts a new legislative session and bills start to hit the floor, more opinions may be streaming through my fingers, or my mouth, depending on how close you are to me. Remember: This is your state! Keep updated on legislative issues that arise and make your opinion known! There is ALWAYS 2 sides to every argument and your voice may be the one needed for change! Stay informed!
-Watertown, SD-
-Watertown, SD-
-Louisville, KY-
Photo credit: Amanda Nolz-Radke
-SD State Fair, Huron-
-SD State Fair, Huron-

Photo Credit: South Dakota Department
of Agriculture
-SD State Fair, Huron-
Accepting the award on the Grandstand! Jenae was my
"guest" so she took pictures from backstage!
-SD State Fair, Huron-

-Denver, CO-

-Denver, CO-

-Denver, CO-

-Denver, CO-

-Denver, CO-

-Denver, CO-

-Denver, CO-

BJ & Jed Watje
-Denver, CO-