Sunday, January 23, 2011

What If...

First off, I apologize for not posting results of the winter calf shows that we went to over my break! In Brookings, Bailey's steers looked very good, but didn't win any classes. Kaitlyn and Savannah were 2nd and 3rd in class behind Jordan Mack's very good Charolais heifer. My heifer would have been great competition for Stephanie(Jordan's sister who was showing the heifer), however, she got hurt in the chute right before we walked in the ring and couldn't walk right, so I left her stand in the stall. I would have rather left her there than taken her in the ring and had her get beat because she couldn't walk right. We ended up not going to Mitchell because of the weather. We didn't want to get stranded there.
Jenae Hansen, Rob Foiles, Senator Jason Frerichs,
Caroline Hansen, and Erin Wilson!

So, onto the current happenings! I spent my 2 days in the capitol building this session! Sadly, I will probably not make it back again, but I really wish I could. I absolutely love being in Pierre during session! Thank God for the internet and the live feeds of committee meetings and sessions. There will be some interesting bills coming through soon, and if I can't be there to listen to them being argued live, the next best thing is listening online! Of course, I expect that if anything really important comes up, Mr. Jason Frerichs will be calling me! :) (We'll see if he reads this!)
Talking with Rep. Sigdestad
and Rep. Feickert

Relating to the title of this blog, I listened to the song "What If" by Dustin Evans today on my way back to Kansas and it got me thinking. In case you haven't heard it before, Here is the chorus of it...

What if you don't have what it takes,
What if you fall flat on your face,
What if it's all time gone to waste,
Cause your dreams may never come true,
But What If they do!

And then the very last part of the song goes...

What if you do have what it takes,
What if you learn from your mistakes
What if there's nothing in the way
Of all your dreams coming true
What If they do!

My good friend Senator Jason Frerichs, Senate Minority Leader!
I have a dream of being a state Representative someday. I want to represent the people of my district in Pierre during session and hopefully help out and make our state a better place to live in. But I start second guessing myself sometimes. What if I'm not the kind of person that can help lead a state? What if I don't know enough about legislation to be a Rep? What if I run and get shot down in the election? But, then again, What if my 4-H background has prepared me enough to lead better than anyone! And What if I know more about legislation than I give myself credit for! And What if the people of my district trust me enough to send me to Pierre to better this wonderful state!

I can do it! I can be a great Representative in this state! I can help lead this state in the direction it needs to go! I can, and I WILL!
Jenae Hanse, Sen. Jim Hundstad, Caroline Hansen
District 2 Senator and his favorite Hansen Girls! :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2011 Legislative Session

Capitol building in Pierre, South Dakota
Well, it's that time of year again! Students go back to school, Ranchers start to calve, Snow plows are pushing full force(well, in South Dakota anyway) and those elected officials that we voted into office last November have started the long process of reading bills, voting, and creating the base for the next year of our state! South Dakota's voters made several changes to our house and senate and it will be a fun and interesting year of opportunity for learning and change, some for good-others maybe not! But only time will tell what South Dakota's future holds.

Senator Jason Frerichs and myself
February 2010(when he was still Representative Frerichs!)
The capitol building in Pierre is one of the most beautiful that I have seen! (I may be slightly biased though!) It is also one of my favorite places to be during session! I have not always been so interested in politics! I used to be like most United States citizens and not like politics. I always thought politicians were just rude, arrogant, self-centered people who wanted to be in control. Then a good friend of mine was elected into the South Dakota House of Representatives.  Representative Jason Frerichs was one of the, if not the youngest member in the state legislature. That year, I shadowed Senator Jim Hundstad and learned more about the capitol building itself than I ever knew before.  My whole mindset about politics has changed! Senator Hundstad is still a senator, and Representative Frerichs is now Senator Frerichs, but I have become more involved with the political happenings and realized that it is so important for young folks to get involved because their voice really is heard and they truly can make a difference!

4-Her's and Great 4-H supporters
Erin Wilson, Rep. Frank Kloucek
Jenae Hansen, Rep. H. Paul Dennert,
and myself
McGovern Days 2010
So, regardless of what party you choose to be part of as you get to voting age, make your voice heard! Your representatives and senators want to hear form you and are there to help and better the state you live in! Please, don't be one of the many South Dakota and United States Citizens that do not get out and vote, or do not let their voice be heard and then get upset with the decisions that were made! I do not agree with everything that they do, but when those situations come up, I make sure they hear my side and my opinion!

You can keep tabs on the South Dakota legislature by going to
You can also find out who your legislators are on this website. There is also a link to contact them, and all their contact information available to you! There is a reason it is there, USE IT! :)

Representative Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin, myself, Erin Wilson, and Jenae Hansen
Stephanie was, in my opinion, one of the best representatives that South Dakota
has ever had in Washington.  She will be greatly missed and I hope she continues to
 better South Dakota with her warm heart and her welcoming smile!